- The gods - The beginning
Saiz walked in a hurry in the dark. He glanced over his shoulder for the umpteenth time, to check if there was any suspicious movement behind him. It wasn't out of fear but out of habit. "I am a master of the night." He reminded himself. "It should be about 2:30a.m now." He thought to himself. He remembered checking the clock on his mobile phone when he was leaving the house. The time was 1:45 a m. Since then, he hadn't checked. On his way, he didn't dare or he would've revealed his position to the patroling local police. "I shouldn't check now." He thought, "I've to approach the prayer mountain as discreetly as possible. Pastor Peterson wouldn't want his spiritual focus to be distracted." He reasoned. He was happy for the opportunity. He had waited for five months to be invited by the pastor to the prayer mountain. "Only five months..many ." He said under his breathe. He had met many in the church wh...