
Showing posts with the label cheating in relationship

How to stop hurting after being cheated on.

  The gods. The beginning . When you love truly, you invest your whole heart into it.  No one that invests their heart into loving someone, willingly chooses to share the love-of-their life with another person.  But loving someone with your whole heart and being completely faithful to a relationship, are never enough to stop a partner bent on being unfaithful.  An unfaithful partner will always hurt a faithful partner. And a faithful partner is always going to feel cheated, betrayed, incomplete and not worthy enough. It’s natural to feel bad when your faithfulness to someone is rewarded with unfaithfulness. It’s also natural to decide not to love any more with your whole heart after you’ve been cheated by a philandering  partner.  But understand this, there’s always someone else , some where who would love you with their whole heart and would be faithful to only you. To meet that someone, you should find the mental strength to walk away from an unrepentant ...