What is the best happiness quote?

Motivation in your pocket . For me, it is Ralph Waldo Emerson quote, " For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness ." Pause! What do we get by being angry? Does anger on its own change bad situations and make them good? No! Then if it doesn't , why do we sacrifice moments of happiness for an investment in anger that returns only negative? It doesn't make sense, does it? But it makes sense to go slowly, so that you don't miss life's beautiful moments, which are often sandwitched between the beginning and endless ending of the rat race to make ends meet. It's this endless rat race that generates competitions among us and competitions create moments of disappointment, frustration and anger. And anger, robs us of happiness when we submit to it. The good news is, you have the power to always choose happiness over anger. The power comes when you make up your mind to intentionally seek out people and things, t...