
Showing posts with the label why governments should subsidize

5 things government should subsidize.

People submit themselves to government becàuse they believe that government has the resources to make life comfortable in ways most individuals can’t.  Government everywhere knows this or should know this fact.  In places, where the legitimacy and acceptability are obtained by popular means, people who seek public offices promise to make life easier for the masses by lowering costs of essential goods and services. One of the popular ways people-centric government keeps this promise is by subsidizing the costs of  filling basic needs.  The costs of filling the following basic needs are often subsidized by governments that empathize with the sufferings of their people are: 1. Education, 2. Food, 3. Quality health care, 4. Decent housing and, 5. Energy. People friendly governments subsidize costs of satisfying these needs because they understand that; 1. When the most people have access to quality education, they would in return use their acquire...