Why is Terry Smith not investing in Nvidia?

Stock O ne would have expected one of the top fund managers in the world to be impressed by Nvidia stock that has almost tripled in 2024. But this hasn’t been the case. Terry Smith, UK's answer to Warren Buffett is not as positive on Nvidia Corp.’s stock as Wall street analysts are . Hes not interested. What does Nvidia sell and why the surge in the value of its stock? Nvidia sells computer chips, graphics processing units (GPUs) that processed data in AI software. The rise of AI has led to increase in the demand for Nvidia's processors, known to be the most advanced among those available in the market. Would the demand for Nvidia's processors continue to increase? Most likely? So Why is Terry Smith not interested? Maybe investing in Nvidia stock doesn’t align with his investment philosophy. What is his investment philosophy? Terry Smith has an investment philosophy that’s roo...