What are the most important career break reasons?
These reasons are, to have the time to learn the true meaning of life and enjoy its beautiful gifts, found in abundance outside the work environment. Have you forgotten that life's pleasant and exciting surprises, are presented to travellers? Surprises and nature's strange things told and found in books seem fictitious until they're lived and experienced. So, go ahead, take a career break and find out what life is all about. Another reason is, so that life will not leave you behind. Life leaves behind the redundant. It's an ever changing dynamic world out there. Acquiring a new set of skills keeps you ahead of the game. A new set of skills can hardly be acquired without taking a career break. "Work is a rubber ball." Gary Keller observed and continued, "If you drop it, it will bounce back. The other four balls- family, health, friends, integrity- are made of glass." Your family is a glass ball, if you drop it, it could be irrovocably shattered. ...