
Showing posts from July, 2023

Is Short Term Thinking A Common Crypto currency Investments Mistake?

Shelby M.C. Davis says, “Invest for the long haul. Don’t get too greedy and don’t get too scared.”  And Warren Buffett believes, “The stock market is a device to transfer money from the impatient to the patient.” So? Do these investments gurus’ pieces of advice suggest that long term crypto currency investments are better than investing in crypto for the short term? You would find your answer after considering the following factors; 1. The size of your net worth.. 2. Your personal investment goals 3. Risk tolerance. 1. The size of your net worth.  Someone in a weaker financial situation would more likely want to invest in crypto for the short term as opposed to a higher net worth individual. You wouldn’t want to tie down your money in a long term investment in crypto currencies when you have many needs and wants competing for fewer funds in your possession, would you?  Building your financial fortune quickly would certainly be one of your personal investment...

How lonely are you?

  " No matter what they tell you, it's not because they enjoy solitude. It's because they have tried to blend into the world before, and people continue to disappoint them ." - Jodi  Picoult. The gods. The beginning .  How lonely are you?  Very lonely?  Oh you have concluded that no one cares about you? May be you're right.  But...have you not realized that most don't truly care about others except... When they need something from others.  Self-centered human beings, that's who we truly are. So wouldn't you rather be alone than be in the company of those who don't truly care about you? Wouldn't you be better off alone than be with those who continue to disappoint you? I think you would be.  So next time you feel lonely, look within you and find a great a company in the one who would never disappoint you. And who's that? It's the real you.

How Can I Survive With No Friends?

. Motivation In Your Pocket By finding something you're most passionate about and doing it every second and energy you have. Make your passion the love of your life and your best friend and, you wouldn't need friends around you to survive. Anyways, who told you,  "You need friends to survive?" The person forgot to remind you that your best friend today could be your worst enemy tomorrow.  Human beings are more likely to choose personal interest and sacrifice friendship when both conflict. No one has absolute control over another human being and who  they  choose to sacrifice in order to satify their personal interests. But with your passion, it's different. You can make the choice to be in control of how you develop your passion and how you use it to get what you want. And the best part is, your passion is that best friend that would never betray you.