Balancing the budget is like going to heaven. Everybody wants to do it, but nobody wants to do what you have to do to get there.– Phil Gramm.
Every budget is a test of your capability to balance your expenses and your income.
It's a tough test that many of us fail. The reason is simple, most of us are never prepared to live within our means.
Most of us when we have a little, we want to prove to those who don't really care about us that we have arrived
and when we're sent packing from the heaven the people built for us, we go outside our means to buy mansions in the hottest part of hell in attempt to prove to the world that we are still in heaven.
Who really cares about where you're , what you have and how you are at any time of your life?
Maybe your loved ones, outside them you're alone.
So, if you want to balance your budget and achieve financial freedom,
you've to die to what people think of your lifestyle, how they live without fiscal discipline and live within your means.
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